I figured that we could make both ends meet this month. 我盘算了一下,这个月的收支相抵。
Though extremely frugal, he still found it hard to make both ends meet. 尽管极为节省,他的生活仍难以为继。
3: It's a miracle she could make both ends meet and hold the family together all these years without her husband having a steady job. 这位妇女在丈夫没稳定工作的条件下简直创造了奇迹。她不仅做到家庭收支平衡、维持了一个完整的家,甚至还送四个孩子上了大学。
We should try to make both ends meet. 我们应该试着收支平衡。
We're cutting and contriving to make both ends meet. 我们正省吃俭用,以免入不敷出。
I can't make both ends meet. 我上个月接不到下个月,缺钱。
We are unable to can make both ends meet. 我们不能够使收支相抵。
It is difficult to make both ends meet this month. 这个月要想使收支相抵很困难。
To make both ends meet they have to work longer hours, get up earlier, leave off later, and be doubly careful at their work. 必须增加劳动时间,每天起早散晚,对于职业加倍注意,方能维持生活。
Though the poor young man was suffering from the curse of Adam, he found it hard to make both ends meet. 虽然这可怜的小伙子为生活拼命的奔波,还是发现很难做到收支相抵。
They have to work hard for more money, trying to make both ends meet. 为了使收支平衡,他们只能拼命地干活以多挣钱。
The young couple can scarcely make both ends meet. 这对年轻夫妇几乎不能收支平衡。
If I can but make both ends meet, that's all I ask for. 如果我还能维持自己的生活,这就是我唯一的要求。
It was impossible for the family to make both ends meet. 要使这个家庭收支相抵是不可能的。
They could hardly make both ends meet and their debts were piling up. 他们难以收支相抵,因而债台高筑。
With five children in college, Steve still manages to make both ends meet. 有五个小孩在念大学,史蒂夫还是有办法维持家计。
I did not make both ends meet last month, so I have to tighten my belt from this month. 上个月入不敷出,导致这个月我得勒紧裤腰带过日子。
It was hard to make Both ends meet on such a small income. 在收入如此少的情形下很难让收支平衡。
Low as his salary is, he can make both ends meet. 虽然工资低,但他能量入为出。
He won't be able to make both ends meet if he does not find a cheaper apartment soon. 如果不快点找间便宜些的公寓的话,他将无法使收支平衡。
We have to cut our expenses to make both ends meet. 我们要削减开支,使收支平衡。
With the small income from her restaurant job, Mary could barely make ( both) ends meet. That's why she found some cleaning work to do in the apartment building where she lived. 凭着她在餐馆工作的微薄收入,玛丽几乎无法维持生活。因此,她已在所住的公寓大楼里找了一些清扫大楼的工作做。
We should not compare with the higher. otherwise, we won't make both ends meet. 我们不应与人攀比,否则就无法收支相抵。
I'm trying hard to can make both ends meet. 我努力地使收支相抵。
The stations, which could make both ends meet, made the lowest, about 4%, and with a trend of declining too. 收支持平的站所占比例最小,约4%,而且有下降的趋势。
This method keeps economic information in marginal cost method and benefits to make both ends meet. 该方法既保留了边际成本定价中的经济信息,又有利于电网的年收支平衡。